October 21, 2024

Mung’aro Picks New Public Service Board

Ali Sharrif one of the Kilifi County public service board members takes oath of office outside the governor's residence. (Photo by Ronald Ngoba)

By Ronald Ngoba.

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Kilifi County government has hired a new public service board following the disbandment of the previous one.

Due to public complaints, Governor Gideon Mung’aro disbanded the board over nepotism and gross abuse of office for hiring of staff.

According to the executive the Rose Ngoa-led board was not delivering its duties in line with the county government laws.

The new chairperson Albert Mturi replaces madam Ngoa as other members sworn in are Susan Mumba, Ali Sharrif and Francis Kalama Fondo.

The governor said the new board members were experienced persons with vast expertism of running public affairs.

“Their wealth of knowledge and experience in various sectors will be critical as they discharge their duties in serving the citizens.”

The County Assembly vetted and approved the members after they were presented to the house.

Speaking after the swearing in ceremony, the board members vowed to serve the county without bias or discrimination.

“We will work diligently and professional without bias or discrimination,” the chairperson Mturi said.

Governor Mung’aro told the board members to be honest and professional warning that any intimidation or threats would not be tolerated.

However, he said there would uproar from disgruntled elements but that should not discourage them from exercising their mandate of working faithfully and honestly.

“You will make enemies but that shouldn’t deter you from concentrating on your work,” he said.

The governor asked the board to weed out existing ghost workers and ensure that only staff with genuine qualification were working in the County government.

Led by Sokoni Ward MCA Rayson Mwaro, the ward representatives warned they would not tolerate or hesitate to impeach any board member failing to deliver his or her mandate.

“We did not ask any favor to approve your names, so we do not want to hear any stories of irregularities in the new board or else we will send you home,” he said.

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