October 15, 2024

Azimio Brigade Authorizes Governor to Work with Ruto

Abdullswamad Sherrif Nassir being sworn into office by Judge George Dulu at Mama Ngina waterfront on Thursday (Photo/ By Gideon Maundu)

By Mwakwaya Raymond

Email, thecoastnewspaper@gmail.com

Azimio la Umoja one Kenya Coalition has officially authorized the newly sworn in Mombasa governor Abdullswamad Sheriff Nassir to collaborate with the national government to realize any meaningful development.

Speaking in Mombasa at the swearing in ceremony Wiper Party leader Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka, the immediate presidential running mate Martha Karua and Orange Democratic Party (ODM) Deputy Party Leader Ali Hassan Joho jointly said there is no way they can stop Nassir from exercising his democratic right.

They said they have no problem with him working with the newly elected President of the Republic of Kenya Dr. William Samoi Ruto as long as it’s within the constitutional mandate.

“You’re free to work with the President of the country but make sure you do not have to knell down for you to achieve your goals as the governor of Mombasa.’ They shared the sentiments.

However, they were quick to caution him not to be cowed nor manipulated by the UDA political fraternity whom they alleged are out to muzzle the opposition wing but want him to be bold enough and stand his grounds.  

“Stay focused and steadfast in serving the people of Mombasa but no matter what do not jeopardize your status because of any political gain or favors from the high office of the land” added Karua.  

Nassir had earlier indicated that he would work with President Ruto and even went ahead to congratulate him for issuing an executive order reverting Port services from Naivasha to Mombasa moments after being sworn in.

Nassir was sworn into office on Thursday alongside his deputy Francis Foleni Thoya a former Journalist whose married to Phionah Mwadilo a former sports Journalist.

Mombasa County Deputy Governor Francis Foleni Thoya taking oath of Office at Mama Ngina waterfront as administered by Judge George Dulu (Photo By /Gideon Maundu)

Port Services

The Azimio leadership welcomed the executive order reverting Port services to Mombasa saying the move was long overdue and it will create job opportunities to the Coast people as well as the Country at large.

They advised Nassir to own up the process claiming it was an Azimio idea and he should not let it be executed by other people other than himself.

They want him to initiate some conversation with the national government and claim a share of the Revenue generated from the Port saying it’s the right of the Coast people to get a stake of the port proceeds.

‘Just like in any other part of the country whenever a natural resource is discovered the locals get a stake out of it and here it should be the same thus you’re entitled to a share of the port revenue” insisted Karua.

They further petitioned the government to commence free port services and make Kilindini port a free port so as to compete with Dubai and other international ports across the world.

“We need a free port for the good of the East and Central Africa where Kenya can be in a position to offer competitive services just like other international ports hence the need to open up Dongo Kundu and other dry ports cannot be over emphasized” Kalonzo stressed.

While being sworn into office the fifth President Dr. William Samoi Ruto said he would issue an executive order to revert port services from Naivasha to Mombasa so as to revamp the economic status of the port city which is currently on its knees.

Kenya Ports Authority is said not to have received any formal communication regarding the same though unconfirmed reports indicate that the President is expected to visit Mombasa Port anytime from now to issue the executive orders.

Hon Martha Karua (Left) being welcomed at Mama Ngina Water front by the outgoing Mombasa County Governor Ai Hassan Joho for the swearing in Ceremony Photo/ Courtesy)


The Azimio leaders further took issue with the Judiciary claiming it’s not Independent yet as it is expected to be and petitioned it to exercise its constitutional mandate fairly without any interference from the executive.

‘We need an independent Judiciary that is free from any political interference because the Executive will soon muzzle the opposition and we shall have nowhere to run to and thus I want to confirm here that I will move to the East African Court not to oppose the judgement but to see if really Justice was served to the people of Kenya” said Karua’

Kalonzo said Azimio legislators will soon meet and strategize the way forward so as to push their political agenda in both houses.

‘campaigns are over but politics are there to stay and that’s why we shall soon meet as Azimio family with Baba and chat our best way forward.” Kalonzo hinted.

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