September 7, 2024

Coast Based Parties Form Own Coalition

KADU Asili Chairman Mr Korokoro shakes hands with the Caolition Chair Emmanuel Kombe Nzai Photo/ The Coast Reporter

KADU Asili Chairman Korokoro shaking hands with the Coalition Chair Emmanuel Kombe Nzai Photo By the COAST Reporter

By The COAST Reporter


Three political parties based in the Coast Region have merged to form a new coalition “Ukombozi wa Majimbo” in a bid to establish a potent political outfit for the area in the build up to 2022 general elections.
Leaders of Kadu-Asili, Umoja Summit Party of Kenya (USPK) and Shirikisho Party of Kenya (SPK) joined hands and formed the coalition.
The founders said the political vehicle would help to bargain and champion the interests of the  coastal communities.
Speaking in Mombasa on Tuesday the officials said that they have announced their coalition formally in preparation to field candidates for various political positions in the coming elections.
The officials added that they are working in unison to unite the coast region and speak in one voice for the benefits of local residents.
“Our aim with thus coalition is to  include all political parties that are originating from the coast. We have seen the other regions coming together at this time, why can’t we the coastal people emulate the same,” said National Chairman of Umoja Summit Party of Kenya, Mr Matano Kheri.
The coastal region is known for its longtime allegiance to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) and its support to former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.
However the new coalition vowed to use its influence in sensitizing locals to support the movement adding that the region has been misused by the other parties just to get votes.
The leaders said they have also engaged other parties such as Pamoja African Alliance Party (PAA), which is associated with Kilifi County Governor Amason Kingi as the party leader.
“This coalition will champion the plight of locals in the national government; we are hopeful that we will be part of the government come 2022.
“I encourage other parties to join us and address the issues of land injustices, insecurity and tribalism,” said Birya Patrick, party leader USPK.
Birya denied that the entity is tribal, and he assured it would  include all the communities living in the region with its key focus being regional development.
Former Kaloleni MP Morris Dzoro said the coalition believes the region has been largely deprived benefits from its natural resources thus the need to have one voice by leaders to advocate for such matters.

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