September 8, 2024

Kwale Activists Demand Government Action on War Mongers

Mwanasiti Bakari Matata (Photo By Kahonzi Kaliwa)



Kwale political activists are calling for peaceful campaigns in the lead up to the 2022 general elections.

Led by Mwanasiti Bakari Matata, they expressed concerns that some people have exhibited violent behavour in the recent times.  

“We saw it in the campaigns led by Deputy President William Ruto, there was a riot between the supporters of Lung’anzi and Deputy Governor Fatuma Achani ,we don’t want our youths to be used to provoke violence ,” Ms Matata said.

Ms Matata who a declared ally of Mr Chai Lung’anzi, a gubernatorial hopeful in the next year polls, urged the government to seriously deal with acts.

Ndoro addressing the Media(Photo/ By Kahonzi Kaliwa)

She made the call at a press conference where she was accompanied another activist Ms Viola Leso and a youth representative Mr Smash Ndoro.

Ms Leso said: “We want leaders who stand on the podiums to sell policies, not to insult and abuse young people to harass each other.”

The activists advised the locals to desist from being misused by leaders who visit the County and who may not have the best interests of the county.
They specifically urged the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) to take strong legal action against politicians who aim to bring hatred and division in the communities

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