September 8, 2024

Arrest COVID-19 Funds Looters, FABCOM Petitions Government


From Left MUHURI chairperson Khalef Khalifa, Haki africa executive director Hussein Khalid, Fast action Business Community Chairperson Salim Karama and kenya Transporters Association CEO Dennis Ombok at a past media briefing. Image: (Courtesy)



Activists attached to the Fast Action Business Community (FABCOM) /have asked the government to arrest and prosecute COVID-19 funds looters.

The human rights defenders argue that millions of shillings meant to cushion Kenyans from the pangs of COVID-19 have been siphoned to individual accounts.

Speaking to The Coast Newspaper in Mombasa on Tuesday, FABCOM Chairperson Salim Karama accused the government of infringing on the rights of Kenyans by arresting activists protesting against allegations of misappropriation of corona funds.

Karama points out that the government has gone an ‘extra mile’ by using the police to disperse peaceful protesters against COVID19 funds looters.

“This is unconstitutional. The government is taking us back to the olden days by arresting innocent and peaceful Kenyans,” said the chair.

Meanwhile, Fast Action Business Community Organising Secretary Harriet Muganda says Kenyans have nothing to celebrate even as the state celebrates 10 years after the inauguration of the 2010 constitution.

“It is our right as Kenyans to protest. And if we are arrested because of a peaceful protest then we have nothing to celebrate Katiba@ 10,” Muganda noted.

Activists protesting againstallegations of misuse of COVID19 funds. Image (Courtesy)

At the same time, Nkoko iju Africa Executive Director Maryline Laini claims the loss of the COVID-19 million curtails the delivery of essential services in counties.

According to Laini, the money has only benefited a few Kenyans.

“Health is a basic right. When these funds are looted by a few individuals Kenyans will not be able to access some of the essential services such as health in counties,” she indicated.

Meanwhile Mombasa Youth Activist Ibrahim Jey speaking at a different function echoed the same statement saying looters of public funds should face the law.

Mombasa Youth Activist Ibrahim Jey. Image: PETER KOMBE

He claims that the government has gone silent on the issue leaving Kenyans at crossroads.

“In Kenya we only have two tribes. The rich and the poor. And it is the rich who benefit most,” he claimed.

Seven activists protesting against allegations of misuse of COVID-19 funds were on Tuesday arrested in a peaceful protest in Mombasa.

They were however released.

The protest that was slated to start at Treasury Square building at 9am on Tuesday aborted as police manned the area.

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