September 14, 2024

Unique World of Left Handed:  Unraveling the Mystique of the Left-Handed Minority.


Former President United States of America. (Photo/ Courtesy)

By Mary Kavesa 


Have you ever imagined yourself as a leftie? Really being among the lefties in the world, I really feel lucky and comfortable anywhere I am.

It’s really amazing when people are eager to know how you feel as a leftie, as you have to do everything using your left- hand. The left handed forms at least 10% of the population in the world.

Living in a world designed predominantly for a right-handed people can present a myriad of small but significant challenges for left-handers.

The left-handers literally navigate life from a different perspective both physically and metaphorically. Their origin remain a subject of scientific intrigue. 

Some research suggests a combination of genetic, environmental and developmental factors contribute to its existence. It’s more of hereditary which mostly occurs in families with a history of the trait.

However, genetics alone do not determine handedness, prenatal conditions and even slight brain injuries during birth have been suggested as possible influences.

Left-handers have developed remarkable adaptability. Everyday items such as pair of scissors, desks and even spiral notebooks are often designed with right-handed users in mind.

In sports, musical instruments, and even computer peripherals, left-handers frequently find themselves at a disadvantage, requiring them to adapt and settle for suboptimal tools. It was stigmatized in many cultures being associated with negative connotations.

In some societies, the left-handed individuals were forced to switch to their right hand for writing or other activities, a practice that led to frustration and even developmental delays. 

While much of this stigma has faded in modern times, left-handed people still have to adapt to a world that is not tailored to their needs.

Despite the challenges, left-handed people have been associated with creativity, innovation and adaptability. They also often excel in problem solving tasks. They are divergent thinkers who come up with multiple solutions to a problem. 

The left-handed people often display difference in hemispheric organization of the brain. 

Typically, the left hemisphere of the brain controls language and logic while the right hemisphere governs creativity and spatial abilities.

In left-handed individuals, these roles can be reversed or more evenly distributed between the two hemispheres, which may contribute to the often cited link between left handedness and creativity.

They are well represented among high achievers in various fields. Notable left-handed individuals include the former U.S President Barack Obama and Kenya former President Uhuru Kenyatta.

In sports, Rafael Nadal and Martina Navratilova have excelled often using their left-handedness to their advantage in competitions.

August 13 is an international left-handers day where we focus on debunking myths and challenge stereotypes about left-handedness.

It has been an unfairly stigmatized for much history. This day helps to dispel the outdated notions and encouragements society to embrace it’s diversity in all it’s forms.

On this international left-handers day, let’s consider how we can make the world a little easier for left-handers, remind ourselves that there’s still work to be done to include the left-handed and raise our left hands and celebrate the left-handers of the world.

By celebrating the diversity of left handedness, we acknowledge the broader differences in all their forms.

Whether a right or left handed, appreciating the varied ways in which people experience the world is a step toward a more inclusive and understanding society.

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